As the telecommunications industry has entered into a new stage, we too have made some adjustments. Telephones have grown to become one of the main repair groups at our facility. We have a simple pricing model. Almost all of our desktop phones are a standard $30 repair charge. We do not hide our price levels so please look below to find the price of any particular phone that is in need of repair.
CLEANED TELEPHONES: All exposed surfaces of telephone base and handset are cleaned to remove dirt ink and stickers.
REFURBISHED TELEPHONES: As a cost saving measure for the customer and to lessen our environmental impact, "like new" plastic components are not replaced unless specified by the customer. All exposed surfaces of telephone base are cleaned to remove dirt, ink and stickers. Any plastic components that do not meet out "like new" criteria are replaced. The customer is only billed on a per component basis. Cost for individual components vary. Maximum cost is shown in "test/refurb" or "repair/refurb" column.
Please specify Base Only or Complete
*New handset, Cords, Stands, mounts, literature available at an additional cost.
As part of the repair process some telephones will require new displays. If available these are usually quite costly.
If applicable, we will contact you so you can weigh your options and make an informed decision regarding display.